

So my name is Linda.  I live in Western New York with my retired husband Dave and our cat.  Our oldest daughter Ashley is a University of Pittsburgh graduate and lives in Seoul, South Korea.  Our youngest daughter Morgan is a graduate of Macaulay Honors College in New York City.  I work full time for wonderful people.  This is my first blog, which probably will be quite obvious!

I guess that’s enough about me .. what I really want to talk about is life post-children, travel, running, why I felt compelled at the age of 49 to start my running journey, and why at the age of 50 I decided to complete at least one half marathon in every state before I die (or die trying)!

**UPDATE** It’s funny how a series of mishaps can make you re-evaluate things. Not only injuries but I was turning the 50 state challenge into a job instead of fun. My new motto is RUN for FUN until DONE.  Who knows when I will be done … my running could be cut short at any time, or maybe I will be running the day I die.  But I declare that whenever I run, it will be for fun!

4 responses to “About

  1. Glad I found your blog. GL with your journey.

  2. Thanks so much, Darlene! I am enjoying your blog also.

  3. Hi…just found your blog. We sound similar. Runners and travelers! I am following you now. Hope you get a chance to check my blog out sometime! https://travelrunstyle.wordpress.com/

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