Tag Archives: stress fracture

Doctor Appointment Today!!


This afternoon is my first follow up since my doctor told me I had the stress fractures and bursitis in my foot.  My hope was that he was going to say I was looking good and I could resume training for the half marathon.  My reality is that I think he is going to say I have to keep wearing my darn boot.  I honestly don’t see how one is supposed to heal — life doesn’t stop when you are injured.  Probably traipsing around Manhattan all weekend looking at apartments with my daughter didn’t help, but most things in my life right now can’t be put on hold.  I want to enjoy summer with my girls before they both leave in a few weeks.

At this point I am willing to negotiate with my doctor — I will give up the Color Run in 12 days but still do the half marathon on September 1.  If he doesn’t go for it, I may have to use my secret weapon – tears.

Definitely feeling defeated.

Other than my husband and two daughters (when they are home), I don’t have much immediate family locally.  My in-laws are all here, but I really miss my own brothers and sisters, especially since my parents died relatively young and I lost one of my sisters who also was my best friend to breast cancer when she was 35 and I was 32.  I especially want to stay close to my older sisters; Robin who lives in Virginia and Laura who lives in Oklahoma. Robin has been my adventure partner for many years, we even walked 60 miles over 3 days for charity one year.  I figured who better to visit to to experience my first half marathon?  As luck would have it, the Rock ‘n Roll Virginia Beach half marathon was September 1.  Perfect timing, as both of my kids would be gone, and Robin and I could begin our year-long celebration of our birthdays (I am turning 50 in September, and she is turning 60 in November).

Since Robin is not a runner, I thought maybe she would like to do the 5k race or just party at the finish line while I ran the race.  She threw herself right in and signed up for the half marathon, but decided due to some nagging physical problems that she would walk it.  We both started training like crazy; she following http://www.halhigdon.com/training/51131/Half-Marathon-Novice-1-Training-Program and me following a modified http://www.jeffgalloway.com/training/half_marathon.html since I knew I would be run/walking my first half (I didn’t want to risk injury).

As careful as I was to follow the program, about one month ago I noticed a strange pain in the ball of my foot.  Now I always have aches and pains, so I figured this too will pass.  But when the pain because so severe that it was waking me up at night, I knew it was time to go to the doctor.  Since I was training for the half marathon, my doctor ordered an MRI which showed stress fractures in my second and middle toes, and bursitis.  Needless to say, I felt sick to my stomach and when my doctor said, “I don’t think that half marathon is feasible” the tears just came.  Well that threw my young doctor off guard, and as he was jerkily tossing tissues at me he said “okay okay you can do it but you might have to walk.” Being a crier does have its advantages sometimes!


He also told me that if I felt better in two weeks, to come back, but we would set a follow up for three and a half weeks.  Let’s say I had my hopes up for two weeks, but here I am at two and a half weeks and still wearing the damn CAM boot, still in pain, and wearing the boot is causing back pain and knee pain in my other leg.  I am still going to the gym 5 or 6 days a week, but stuck with the elliptical, bike, and pool, and strength training.  I’m following my training schedule but instead of running, I do the elliptical with no incline and hands free, to try to mimic running as best as I can.  I also water jog.  It sucks.

One week until my doctor appointment.  I am signed up for a 5K on August 17.  Stress fractures have added a lot of stress to an already stressful summer.